This is a photo of Parc Guell in Barcelona. A must-see attraction. It holds the best view of the city. And guess what? I am one step closer to seeing it!
I just recently got accepted to an internship program in Barcelona, Spain. A trip like this has been n the works since I started college. I have always had a plan for summer plans. Wow, that sounds pathetic... I made plans to make plans.
So I decided how I would spend my summers:
Summer #1: "Finally, get a job Stephanie. I think most 18 year old's have had a job by now!"
I ended up working in Charlotte Russe, a store I still love but I would never work there again. There is something about working in a store you love that just doesn't mix. It loses its special-ness.
Summer #2: "Make your way into your future. First step, internship. Where? NOT HERE."
I always wanted to go to Greece ever since I saw The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. But Greece is not the ideal location to be living at for a summer especially with protests and riots radically occurring. I will eventually visit, but for now Spain will do. My roots are in Spain and I am dying to experience the culture while interning at a public relations firm.
Summer #3: "Intern again. DC? NYC? Somewhere, but NOT HERE."
I want to gain as many experiences as I can while in college. And I want thoseexperiences to interest me and benefit me. I have always wanted to go back to my birthplace, New York, and intern in a company (most likely a cosmetics company). However, DC is looking more and more interesting as I see my sisters life blossom in our beautiful capital.
Now I am ready to take on Summer #2!!!! Next week I will be interviewed over the phone in Spanish and from there I will start working with the site director to find the perfect internship. I leave May 23rd and stay for eight weeks. I will be creating a new blog soon solely about the steps it took to get to Barcelona. I will then continue to update it while I am in my internship this summer. :) Hasta pronto!