Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Graduation Worthy?

Is this too matronly? Meh. I don't know.

I'm trying to be proactive and look for a graduation dress since right now, the outfit is my favorite part of the whole idea of graduating. I mean, there is the diploma thing, but its time will come.

There are three criteria for this dress:
- Must be green or gold (not both, that's just trying to hard).
- Must be classy, but not matronly.
- Must be amaze balls - (psh, naturally)

So, whoever reads this, holler at me if you find something worth looking at. Shoes are also another story!

In other news, next week is Grad Stampede - a three-day event where graduates order their cap and gowns, announcements, diploma frames and more. That's going to be surreal. I am actually working the event since my internship heads it up. But before that, I have some bucket list items to check off. This weekend, if all goes well, I will be going to the Dali Museum in St. Pete. I have been to the original one in Figueres, Spain during my summer internship, so it's pretty much mandatory that I visit the one that is 20 minutes away from me. Can't wait! Here are some pictures of Salvadore Dali's museum in Spain.

Sitting on the floor waiting for the tour to start - classy. 

Saturday, February 23, 2013

10 Weeks.

That’s it. That’s all I have left. College will be over soon.

Last time I blogged, I was a college junior who was so enthralled in her core PR classes. My biggest worry was staying relevant, making connections, and trying to impress professors. Now, after overcoming the challenges of saying goodbye to friends, making new ones, experiencing an amazing internship, and pushing through my final fall semester with a new job, a whole new milestone is creeping upon my ball field: graduation.

I’ll be honest. I like to stay busy. It’s part of my indestructible need to keep moving forward. It also keeps me from facing my own realities. The idea of college ending is bittersweet. I catch myself telling people that I don’t want to think about it. It’s scary. The world out there, you know. You here of these stories of graduates who miss college. “Those were the simpler days,” they’ll say. But it occurs to me as I write this, that we will always compare our current situations to our past ones. We will always say that the past was simpler, easier even. It’s crazy how my logic turns my worries into excitement. Hell – I made it! I am almost at the finish line. “La etapa final” – my dad calls it.

Grad school applications are in. Graduation announcements ordered. Plane tickets purchased. Bucket list made.

So with that, I am going to run with these 10 weeks. I’ve got friends, bucket lists, a blog, and a bottle of hope – hope that all will fall into place. And guess what? I’m gonna blog about it.
Here are a few photos that explain why I’ve been MIA. 

L'Oreal Internship Interview- didn't make it, but such a great experience!

Goodbye, Seniors.
Goodbye, Les.

Goodbye, Dream Team.
Hello, Baby Noah!
Amazing summer in NYC - with Ariana, fellow intern at Factory PR.
Internship Perks. Spending thousands on styling Camila Alves.

Yep, Kristine is still here! At the Rascal Flatts concert.

My new little, my mini me!