Sunday, August 1, 2010

Pittsburgh Bound! .. who knew Pittsburgh had an "H" at the end?

So there is a conference going on at the University of Pittsburgh and since I am on the Executive Board for the Green and Gold Guides at USF, I get to go represent our Bull pride :) Unfortunately, that means I have to set my alarm for three o clock in the morning so I can catch a seven o clock flight to Atlanta and from there grab a flight to Pittsburgh. However I am expecting to have some fun and sight see a little. Hopefully I get a chance to blog while I am there. Anyway, I gotta get to packing. It was my intent to pack this morning but I got this urge to see Armageddon and we all know how long that movie is (except for me of course because this was my first time watching it).

I'll be posting pictures soon :)


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