Saturday, July 2, 2011

Los Campeones!! Touring the Barca Stadium.

I'm a fan. That's it. I don't think America has anything that is equivalent to futbol here in Spain. Sure, there is American football. Sure, there is the SuperBowl, high school pep rallies and college tailgates. But still, Barcelona has this passion for futbol that is indescribable. They look and treat players as if they were gods. An inspiration. A hope that pushes through the worries of a poor economy, racial differences and the basic hardships of life.

I am so happy I had the opportunity to tour this stadium. It is sooooo incredibly beautiful. Unlike traditional stadiums that simply have locker rooms, offices and concessions, this stadium has a museum dedicated to the players. It holds trophies, photos and memorable playbacks. The tour also included a visit of the presidential suite, the tunnel where the players run out of, and of course a chance to see the field up close.

This reminded me so much of football season back at USF and how much I MISS it. It's a whole different culture in the fall and it brings a sort of unity that, like Barcelona, pushes through the worries of a poor economy, racial differences and the basic hardships of life. I cannot wait until I get back to school, start working with my G3's at home games, and getting to know our prospective football players!

Now I just need to find a Barca Jersey ;)

Campeones 2011!!!!!!

Dios mio Pique, te amo. ;)

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