Sunday, August 21, 2011

All moved in.

I am sitting in my dorm room right now, listening to Demi Lovato's Skyscraper and simply thinking. I am thinking about how the roller coaster that I call my junior year will start tomorrow. I am thinking about how good my Japanese Cherry Blossom candle smells and how it perfectly consumes my newly decorated dorm room. And I am also thinking about the Florida Move Over Law.

Let's address the big elephant in the room. Yes, I am ashamed of myself. But I blog about my life experiences and getting my first ticket is definitely a life experience (one that I don't care to publish or remember - but hey, I think people should know about this law).

So last night as I approached a policeman ticketing a driver, I failed to move over to the left lane and reduce to 25 mph to avoid hitting him. I was unaware of this law and many of my friends weren't aware either. So remember to move over to the left lane and reduce to 20 mph below the speed limit. I really wouldn't like to see another person be fined $153 and get three points on their license.

Before the ticket, I actually had an amazing and productive day. My parents helped me move into my newer, bigger dorm room. It is very cozy and I forget that I live in a dorm (such an ugly word). I love living on campus. I just can't get over the convenience. I love walking to class, walking to work, walking to our amazing, rebuilt gym (which I haven't seen yet!). You just can't beat it. Although I want to move off campus next year to get the experience of it, I am already finding it hard to leave. We shall see :)

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