On Thursday, the International Plaza was having a Fashion's Night Out in concordance with Fashion Week. Although this wasn't filled with high-fashion shows, celebrities and mass media, I think the event was a success. Eighty-eight stores participated. Some had sales, complimentary demonstrations, fashion shows, free gifts and live music.
As soon as I saw Sephora on the list, the promise that I made my mom went out the window - I went in. I can't describe the high that I get when I go into Sephora. I get excited when I go into drugstores or even MAC, but it not the same feeling I have when I am in Sephora. The variety, the simplicity of their black and white logo, the customer service, the perfect placement of makeup remover stations, the testers and displays. I could go on forever.
So my plan (well, my promise to my mom) was that I was not going to buy anything. However, when Kristine checked out she received a free gift and this is what I saw:

FYI: First, this is not a free gift, these are free gifts. That's plural. Second, these are not gifts, they are little pieces of heaven. So as soon as the cashier told me there wasn't a minimum that needed to be spent to have the gift, I zoomed and got an urban decay primer. "I needed it anyway" - that was my logic.

All the samples (from left to right): Phytolisse Anti-Frizz Serum; Bare Essentials Buxom Lash; NARS Pro-Prime Pore Refining Primer; Philosophy Miracle Worker; Benefit Stay Don't Stray Eye Primer; Toki Doki Siberia Fragrance; Brazilian Anti-Aging Peel.

The actual purchase: Urban Decay Primer Potion in Eden

This is an anti-aging moisturizer. I have been using Philosophy's Purity Cleanser and I love it so I am excited to try this out :)

I was most excited about this sample because this is the mascara I normally use. And since I'm all out, getting this was perfect.

I tried this last night and so far I really like it. My foundation still looked great after working and being at the football game for 7 hours.
NOTE: I forgot to add a picture of Stila's tinted moisturizer - should be interesting to see if the color medium matches me... I doubt.