Monday, June 27, 2011

Tarragona, Casa Batllo and my amazing burger.

I had a really packed three-day weekend. All of Barcelona celebrated Sant Joan – a midsummer solstice celebration which marks the first day of summer. Besides New Years Eve, this is the biggest party of the year. People huddle around bonfires, spend time with family, party on the beach and go to night clubs. On Thursday, I went with a group of interns to a club called Opium and later to the beach. There were lots of fireworks and there are even some going on today – and its Monday!

On Friday, I visited Casa Batllo, one of Gaudi’s houses. There isn’t one straight line in this house. Ballasters are carved to perfectly fit hands, chimneys are covered in mosaic tile and stained glass windows surround the house to allow natural light to creep in. The house was spectacular and photos didn’t do it any justice.

On Saturday I visited Tarragona. This is the southernmost city in all of Catalonia. It is filled with ruins, medieval neighborhoods and beaches that remind me of Florida. I never realized how lucky I am to be a Floridian and live so close to beautiful beaches. Here is a picture at one of the ruins. This particular site was once a circus.

On Sunday, there was a lot of getting lost and visiting a boring museum. But all that really mattered was this delicious burger!!! My lord was it goooood!!!

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