Saturday, April 9, 2011

Great cause, great friends, great times ... sleep can wait.

What an interesting start to my weekend. Last night, April 8th, I participated in Relay for Life. I did this previously at my high school, but never spent the night. So naturally, I had to do it this time around with my G3's (Green and Gold Guides) even though I knew my weekend was way to busy to miss out on sleep. BUT they had me at hello with Zumba at 6 a.m.!!

So I literally got zero sleep while I was there. Came back at 7ish in the morning and got about an hour sleep before meeting my girls at Cracker Barrell for breakfast. Although I am a tad loopy, infested with bug bites and victimized by dark circles at this point, IT WAS WORTH IT. We raised close to $800 for a beautiful cause and that's all that matters. Great cause, great friends, great times ... sleep can wait. :)

About those dark circles: Nothing concealer cant fix.
I recommend:
Mac Select Cover-up
NYX Concealer in a Jar

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