Today I felt like a real Barcelonian - I didn't get lost!
Rewinding back to last night, we had a lovely roommate night. Johnny, our Brazilian roommate who has been here for 8 months, took us out for ice cream near the Sagrada Familia. It is beautiful at night and the detail is breathtaking. It has been under construction for years and some Spaniards believe it will never be finished.

Today we went to the Arco de Triunfo and I took a a lot of pictures of the Parc de la Ciutadella. Then we went on a tour to the "most beautiful city in Spain" - Born. The tours were fun considering I was with the group and got to meet new people. It is so interesting to here where others are interning and how others who have been here longer are adjusting. The most common statement I heard from 4 week interns was: "I don't wanna leave, I love it here". And I am here thinking, "Sweet I just got here!!" But I bet I will be feeling like that pretty soon.
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