Friday, June 10, 2011

Cultured even on a rainy day.

Today was a miserable, rainy day. Since I didn't have work, I woke up nice and late :) We went to the mercat (Catalan word for market) and bought some veggies, fruits and pastries. YUM! I feel like I have been very busy which causes me to blog less and less. This past week I started my Italian class, took a salsa class, and enjoyed some sangria with the only Mexican mariachi band in town lol.

Italian - Um, its gonna take me a little while to get the hang of it. I understand half of which she is saying which is bazaar, but speaking is a while other obstacle in itself. Since I am going to Italy next month, my goal is to learn the survival phrases by the time the trip comes. I really like the new interns in the class too :) I feel like we can definitely have some good times!

Salsa class - Really fun, very basic and VERY crowded! But overall it was an experience. And I think I can say this in my blog because I don't think this particular person will read this but - some one reallllllly smelled. And oh lord, that just made the experience a tad dreadful. Im also wearing my new ZARA shirt in this pic :)

Mexican Mariachi - These people should go on the X-Factor or something. They were so good!! They tried playing puerto rican songs for me but it was a fail. Apparently Mexicans aren't big fans of Marc Anthony, Ricky Martin or Selena Quintanilla (even though SHE was mexican!!)


Yet another chocolate croissant that I ate earlier this week. YUM!!!!

A few things I picked up at the mercat today :)

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