Wednesday, June 1, 2011

McDonalds in Barcelona!!!

It was chillyyyy today!! It was perfect though because I got to wear a new scarf! After work, Tesia (a fellow intern) and I decided to try out McDonald's. MAN was it different. First off, their McFlurries do not have mini M&Ms in them. They crush up peanut M&Ms and put them on top of the ice cream. It was still good, but it was strange.

They don't fall short with value either! They have a Euro menu haha! They have chicken wings and onion rings on it. They have a lot of different things are their menus including BEER, donuts, croissants and gelato in a waffle cup!

Tonight we will all be going to a Catalan cooking class. It should be fun and the photos of the food will probably be more beautiful than this American food.

Afterward, we went shopping a little. I just got a wallet that reminded me of my mom. So we'll see if she likes it. If not, I have no problem using it because its really cute.

We passed by a boutique and the sign said: "Be back in 1 minute" LOL. Usually siesta is atleast three hours, so I can deal with waiting a minute!

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