Friday, June 3, 2011

Bulls Reunited.

Mr. Juan Gonzalez graced us with his presence last night. It was so great to meet up with a friend from home. Since we didn't have direct communication through phones, we used Facebook. This resulted in delayed communication which resulted in Kristine and I waiting in the lobby for half an hour.

After bumping into Juan's family in the lobby, we were on our way to find a restaurant. So we found one, then left. Kristine wanted McDonalds and I was TOTALLY okay with that! Even though Kristine got yelled at for taking pictures of the menu, we still enjoyed ourselves.

Juan is in for the time of his life and I truly wish him well. Tomorrow he leaves for Italy on a cruise. Then he will visit Paris. He told us that the trip had been in the works for two years. I am so excited for him. And I loved catching up with him. Before we departed, we took a picture with our signature bull horns. Representing USF til the end baby!!!

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