Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Montserrat & Flamenco.

Yesterday I hiked Montserrat and I am feeling it today. Actually my legs aren't too sore. I expected Def Con 5 this morning. In total we hiked 6.3 miles. That is probably the most I have ever done. I feel like the hikes in Costa Rica were shorter - but then again, those hikes were steeper which made me extremely sore.

So as most of you know I am athletically challenged. This makes it no surprise that I slipped and fell on my tail bone on the way down. But hey, no worries. I had brought Tylenol because I had a feeling that I would fall. It didn't stop me though. I kept going and even went on a seperate trail to see a holy cave that honors god's ressurection.

It was sooooo cold!!! I went thinking that it would be 87 degrees. NOT. It was in the 60s and even colder at the top. Apparently Google isn't smart enough to give me the right temperature for the right Montserrat. So I went in a tank and shorts and had to buy a fleece jacket. I actually like the jacket. At first I thought I had bought it for nothing because I instantly got hot as I started to hike, but once we got to the top I was so grateful.

Tonight we went to a town called Raval. After a short tour, we went to go see live flamenco. Those dancers are so talented!! This is a photo of us with a giant cat found in Raval. Wish I could tell you what it signifies, but I was too focused on getting a picture with it and didn't listen to our adviser :)

My favorite ladies in Spain!

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