Sunday, June 19, 2011

Costa Brava.

On April 18th, two months ago, the Stephanie and Kristine Spain Luncheon was initiated to help raise money for an additional excursion to Costa Brava Spain. We were able to raise $600, and that covered the excursion perfectly.

That excursion was this past weekend and it was absolutely amazing (I have to start using another word besides amazing - like, phenomenal? idk.) This trip was well worth the additional $300.

We also went to the Dali Museum. It was really... cool. That is the only thing I can say about it. It was a cool museum that always kept you interested. It wasn't the typical art gallery. The museum itself was his art. After the museum we headed Besalu - a very cute medieval looking town. We shopped a little then went to the hotel.

The hotel was beautiful and I was shocked to hear that the company I intern for represents it!!!! It had great beds, air conditioner, DELICIOUS breakfast and dinner and decor that was jaw-dropping. It was right on the beach and located in Palamos - a province of Costa Brava. The town was so relaxing and beautiful.

On Saturday, we went to Museo del Pescau (Fish Museum), attended a cooking demonstration and went on a guided tour of Palamos with a very animated "Mountain Man" named Jordy. On Sunday, Father's Day, we went to Girona and Monteserrat (again).

At Girona, we had some WONDERFUL lunch and again, did some shopping. I bought Turron - best described as a spanish nougat typically made with honey, sugar, egg whites and some type of nut. My mom loves it and I bought her two kinds. I tried some at the store and it was delicious.

My trip here just keeps getting better and better. I have made such good friends and have seen such beautiful places. I really don't want to leave. I have four weeks left and I will be taking advantage of every minute I have left here in Barca. ;) Enjoy some of my favorite pics from this weekend. There will be more on my facebook by tomorrow :)

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