Saturday, May 28, 2011

Meet Pau - The Golden Wind Man.

This is Pau (It means "peace" in Catalan). He is the Golden Wind Man who "performs" part-time in Parc Guell. He took a photo with us and later explained that his full time job consists of teaching hip hop dance in three different schools. In his words, he "teaches how to pop and lock". He was great. He even danced salsa with me for a bit! Won my heart then and there. He also told me the trick to not getting hot with lots of paint on - gold paint is the only paint that helps reflect light.

The performers at this park are just amazing. They range from dog hipnotizers to three amigos performing a tune.

The park was beautiful but I know I will go back. We weren't able to see it all and we want to come back when we are wearing cute sundresses. We thought we had to hike so we wore work out clothes - which is not ideal for photos.

Until then, here is a photo of Kristine and I in Las Ramblas a couple days ago.

This is a view from Parc Guell

Look at how the people desperately climbed ANYWHERE just to see the final game against Barca and Manchester at the Arc de Triumph!!! After the win, the city went crazzzyyyyyy!! Its still crazy and it is 1:30 in the morning! I cant wait until the parade!

Kristine took this small video just when Barcelona scored! It was literally insane out there!


  1. i'm searching for this guy

    if you have any connection to him it would help me a lot

    if you have you can send me an e mail please?

  2. i'm searching for this guy
    do you have any connection to him?
    if you had please connect me
