Friday, May 27, 2011

Slowly turning into a Barcelonian

Word of the day: Rape - Stingray

Apparently in Spain, eating stingrays is a delicacy! Um, for me, no thank you. Anyways we met the guys that worked in the supermarket. One was a meat guy and the other was a stock boy. Both were willing to take a picture with their delicacy. At first was disappointed about being in an apartment away from the center of the city, but as I wander around Eixample, is realize how I love it here. The people are extremely friendly and the food is very reasonable. People here are willing to explain their culture with us and I absolutely love that about our town.

At night, we went out with our roommate Johnny to Las Ramblas. We tried homemade sangria and tapas (Spanish appetizers). I feel like such a Barcelonian!!

This sangria was amazing. It wasn't strong, just sweet. Which means - ME GUSTO MUCHO!!!

To the left is our roommate, Johnny and these are his friends from Brazil and Spain.

The restaurant located in Las Ramblas

Although this photo is bad, I still wanted to share it with you all. Many Spaniards a protesting against their government. They are protesting due to high unemployment rates, government corruption and economic decline. Well today, at the plaza de Catalunya protestors were booted out by policeman. Spaniards responded by going out to their balconies and banging on pots. Looks like America isn't the only country with economic problems.

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